Blessing of the Green Tara
August 21, 2011 at 12:00 in Elista, the Buddhist temple “Samye Thinley Kunkyab Palborling” ritual will be held Dolchok (blessing of Green Tara – Nogan Dyark).
Green Tara Goddess was venerated as the mother of all living beings, and represents the feminine essence, and therefore, like any woman, always ready to protect their loved ones. It is believed that it protects the family from all evil, brings success in business, removes all obstacles. If you regularly repeat the mantra of Green Tara, any wish will come true and you can find extraordinary luck.
Blessing of the Green Tara will help remove barriers, restore and strengthen the vital forces, weakened by the stresses and problems, to call good luck. Also, this ritual is good for pupils and students before the school year.
Prayer service held at the Buddhist temple “Samye Thinley Kunkyab Palborling” at Elista, 7, md., Ostap Bender Ave, next to the Stupa of Enlightenment (about City Chess).

News of Buddhism in Kalmykia
Elista, Kalmykia