Russia and the Lukoil oil company will help save saigas in Kalmykia
Rare animal protection
Specially protected natural areas
In Elista, the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia, the fate of saigas was discussed. Russia and the Lukoil oil company will help save saigas in Kalmykia.
A round table on the protection and study of the saiga population as part of the Black Earth Reserve (Kalmykia) was held in the hall of the Government House of the Republic of Kalmykia in the city of Elista.
The meeting was attended by the chief analyst of the Roszapovedtsentr of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Svetlana Sheinfeld, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Marina Mukabenova and the Deputy Prime Minister Boova Badmaev.
“Saiga measures, the implementation of which is envisaged in the framework of the federal project“ Conservation of biological diversity and development of ecological tourism ”, will improve the condition of this species. In this context, the national project “Ecology” provides a unique chance for all interested parties to unite the efforts of the state, society, science and business in preserving biodiversity and reducing the anthropogenic load on vulnerable ecosystems. The Saiga working group created by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia is designed to develop a “road map” of activities on the steppe antelope and launch the processes of their execution within the framework of the federal project, ”Svetlana Sheinfeld noted.

Scientists, deputies, representatives of state federal structures and local authorities, experts from the environmental community and business took part in the discussion. As a result of the event, recommendations were made on the formation of a list of works in order to preserve and restore the saiga population in the framework of the federal project.
In the near future, the Roszapovedcenter of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia will form a list of measures for connecting commercial organizations to saiga rescue. The great interest in the problem is expressed by the Lukoil company, which co-organized the round table in Kalmykia.
Rare animals in Kalmykia
After the meeting, the guests visited the Black Earth reserve. However, it is not currently possible to see a steppe antelope near now, as now the saiga period has a rut. And from May 1, 2019, the “month of silence” begins here – calving begins for females of hoofed animals. In this regard, the second name – “maternity hospital” – stuck to the reserve.
By preserving the diversity of the animal world – we enable future generations of humanity to contemplate the beauty and diversity of nature in reality.
Background: The Black Lands Reserve was formed on June 11, 1990. It is the only testing ground in Russia for studying steppe, semi-desert and desert landscapes, as well as the protection and study of the Kalmyk saiga population. On December 3, 1993, the reserve received the official biosphere status of UNESCO.