
Many people want to see the Kalmyk miracle of nature

Miracle of nature Miracle of nature

The head of the Republic of Kalmykia Batu Khasikov: “Many people want to see the Kalmyk miracle of nature.”

Chairman Read the rest of this entry »

The Head of Republic of Kalmykia took part in the development of ecological tourism

Batu Khasikov Tourist clusters and territory of development

The Head of Kalmykia Batu Khasikov took part in the development of ecological tourism. Read the rest of this entry »

Emergency situation due to drought

Kalmykia Summer. Emergency situation in Kalmykia due to drought.

The emergency mode was introduced on the territory of Lagansky, Chernozemelsky, Yustinsky, Yashkulsky, Iki-Burulsky, Tselinny and Priyutnensky districts. Read the rest of this entry »

Wild swans rescued by residents of Kalmykia

White swans Wonderful salvation [ Ru ]

Salvation of swans

Wild white swans were rescued by residents of the village of Erdnievsky in Kalmykia.

Wild swans began to fall from the sky in Kalmykia. Flock of white swans were in a difficult position. Read the rest of this entry »

Russia and the Lukoil oil company will help save saigas in Kalmykia

Saiga Rare animal protection

Specially protected natural areas

In Elista, the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia, the fate of saigas was discussed. Russia and the Lukoil oil company Read the rest of this entry »

Tulip Fest and development of the incoming tourism

Tulip Festival Tourism [ Ru ]

Tulip Fest and development of the incoming tourism

A meeting of the governmental commission for the development of tourism in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia was held in Elista.

The venue of the 2019 Tulip Festival was approved, reported Read the rest of this entry »

Near the watering places for the antelope will be installed special shelters for tourists

Saiga Wild life

How to develop ecotourism:

Near the watering places for the antelope will be installed special shelters for tourists and observation towers. Read the rest of this entry »

How to develop ecotourism

Saiga How to develop ecotourism

Ecological tourist routes of the “Black Lands” have become an attractive leisure option for tourists.

Now, eco-tourism or green tourism in Kalmykia is becoming very popular among travelers from Europe. Read the rest of this entry »

Young beautiful girl from Moscow came to Kalmykia and became a camel driver

Girl on the camel Education and tourism [ De | Ru | Es | It | Fr ]

Young beautiful girl from Moscow came to Kalmykia and became a camel driver

As explained Read the rest of this entry »

Arkady Dvorkovich and Alexey Orlov: Meeting in Moscow

Aleksey Orlov Russia [ De ]

Arkady Dvorkovich and Alexey Orlov: Meeting in Moscow. April, 6.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich and Head of Kalmykia Alexei Orlov had a meeting in the Russian Federation.

Theme of the meeting: Read the rest of this entry »

Festival of Energy Saving in Kalmykia

Energy Saving Festival of Energy Saving

From September 14 to September 16, Elista hosted the annual All-Russian Energy Conservation Festival. Read the rest of this entry »

Dust storm and heavy rain

Climate change Changing of the climate?

August, 23

Today, a big dust storm began in Elista, capital of Republic of Kalmykia.

After 2 hours, heavy rain began, Read the rest of this entry »

Teens help to clean pond in Elista

Elista At the third annual All-Russia initiative “Water of Russia” that implies cleaning shores of any water reservoirs started in the 1st of June and will long until the 30th of September in more than 70 regions of Russia. In previous 2014 and 2015 years more than 500 000 people joined the project and participated in cleaning.

This year the Committee for Matters Concerning Young Persons Read the rest of this entry »

New Nature park appears in Kalmykia

Flowering tulips In Priyutnensky District in the Republic of Kalmykia a new protected area of Natural Park was settled by the decree of the regional Ministry of Nature and the national Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment.
Read the rest of this entry »

New holiday “Day of the steppe”

Day of the steppe New holiday “Day of the steppe”

In Kalmykia was established holiday “Day of the steppe”.

From 2015 on the third Sunday of April in the Kalmykia Republic will be celebrated holiday “Day of the steppe”. Read the rest of this entry »