Posts Tagged ‘Africa’

Ethnofestival “University without Borders” dedicated to Africa Day

Kalmykia Today, June 19, 2024, in the southern city of Elista, in the Druzhba culture and recreation park, the ethno-festival “University without Borders” dedicated to Africa Day will take place in the evening, the head of the tourism and culture department of the Kalmyk travel portal reports.

The ethnofestival starts at 18:00. Read the rest of this entry »


Djibouti, officially the Republic of Djibouti, is a country in the Horn of Africa, bordered by Somalia to the south, Ethiopia to the southwest, Eritrea in the north, and the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden to the east.

The country has an area of 23,200 km2 (8,958 sq mi). Read the rest of this entry »


Ethiopia Ethiopia

Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea to the north, Djibouti to the northeast, Somalia to the east and northeast, Kenya to the south, South Sudan to the west, and Sudan to the northwest.
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Tunisia Tunisia, officially the Republic of Tunisia, is the northernmost country in Africa.

Tunisia is a part of the Maghreb region of North Africa, and is bordered by Algeria to the west and southwest, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east, covering 163,610 km2 (63,170 sq mi), with a population of 11 million. Read the rest of this entry »


Seychelles Seychelles

The Republic of Seychelles (French Republique des Seychelles, English Republic of Seychelles, Seish. Repiblik Sesel) is an island state in East Africa. The state is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

The Seychelles are located in the western part of the Indian Ocean, slightly south of the equator, about 1600 km east of the African mainland, north of Madagascar. Read the rest of this entry »

From Asia and Africa to Kalmykia: How foreigners live in Kalmykia

Foreign students Coming to Kalmykia to receive a higher education is an unusual decision. What made hundreds of foreign students choose Elista? “Most people here are kind, spiritually they are very rich,” Luke Kahe shared his observations about the locals. Foreigners told a correspondent of RIA “Kalmykia” why they came to obtain knowledge in Elista.
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Tourism in Uganda

Tourism in Uganda Tourism in Uganda, Africa

Tourism in Uganda is focused on Uganda’s landscape and wildlife. It is a major driver of employment, investment and foreign exchange, contributing 4.9 trillion Ugandan shillings (US$1.88 billion or €1.4 billion Read the rest of this entry »

Russia-Africa Economic Conference in Russia

Russia Moscow, Russia

Russia-Africa Economic Conference Results

The head of the Russian Export Center’s (REC) Andrei Slepnev Read the rest of this entry »

Russian style Exopolitics – Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s alien abduction

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov Exopolitics (literally politics out of this world) has become a buzz word among some ufologists in the U.S., Europe and Latin America, but in Russia’s rough and tumble political world the subject of alien abductions erupted without any need of lobbyists calling for UFO disclosure.

The international media reported widely last May that Andrei Lebedev, a member of Parliament for the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, wrote a letter to President Medvedev in reaction to a disclosure by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, head of the Buddhist Kalmykia region in southern Russia, Read the rest of this entry »

President of FIDE, the Head of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov spoke the guests of the seminar in Lusaka, capital of Zambia

Vuvuzela July 6, 2010 The President of FIDE, the Head of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov arrived in Lusaka, capital of Zambia, to participate in a FIDE seminar for leaders of African Chess Federations.

President of FIDE, the Head of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov spoke the guests of the seminar.

Then President of FIDE, the Head of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov took part in the presentation, which was prepared and presented Read the rest of this entry »