Posts Tagged ‘Buddhism in Russia’

Opening of the art exhibition “Space of Color and Light”

Elista Art

On October 3, 2024, at 16:00, in the exotic southern city of Elista, the capital of the mysterious Kalmykia, in the “Blue Hall” of the National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia named after N. Palmov, the opening of a personal art exhibition of Delgr Sangadzhieva entitled “Space of Color and Light” will take place, Read the rest of this entry »

India and Republic of Kalmykia are talking about tourism and Buddhism

Kalmykia Important negotiations [ De ]

India and Republic of Kalmykia are talking about tourism and Buddhism

Today in Elista, the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia, a business meeting Read the rest of this entry »

Opening ceremony of the construction of the mandala of Green Tara

Head of the Republic of Kalmykia The construction of the mandala [ It | Ru ]

The Head of the Republic of Kalmykia Alexey Orlov took part in the opening ceremony of the construction of the mandala of Green Tara. Read the rest of this entry »

Great prayer “Monlam Chenmo”

Golden Abode of Buddha March, 10
March, 11
and March, 12.

The Great prayer “Monlam Chenmo” in Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni in Elista.

9:00 – 11:30 Read the rest of this entry »

Temple “Orgyen Samye Ling”

Buddhist Temple “Orgyen Samye Ling” [ Ru | Fr ]
in the Iki-Burul city.

The first monastery of the Nyingma in Russian history.

Buddhist Temple Orgyen Samye Ling
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The exotic Republic

Exotic vacation The exotic Republic [ De | Ru | Fr | Es | It ]

Historical and cultural heritage of the Kalmyk people, the ancient national traditions, crafts, large areas of protected areas contribute to the development of different tourism destinations.

Tourism can be a major source of income of the republican budget. Religious tourism could become a promising direction in economy of republic.

You can move from one city to another in central Russia and not notice much difference. But if you go from Moscow to Elista – the difference is striking. Read the rest of this entry »

The current state of Buddhism in Kalmykia

Chagdir Sandzhiev Chagdir Sandzhiev. The current state of Buddhism in Kalmykia

It’s been more than 20 years since the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of the period of genuine religious freedom in Russia. Great changes happened both in the country as well as in the minds and hearts of the citizens during this period. Read the rest of this entry »

Professor of Columbian University Robert Thurman goes to Kalmykia

Ума Турман In April 2012 professor of Columbian University – Robert Thurman planning to visit Elista, the capital of Kalmykia.The spiritual pilgrimage – as Robert Thurman describes his journey to Kalmykia.

Robert Thurman is father of Uma Thurman, famous Hollywood`s star. He was invited to Elista by the Supreme Lama of Kalmykia – Telo Tulku Rinpoche.

Robert Thurman is disciple Read the rest of this entry »

“I am grateful that I exist in this world” – US-born Kalmyk Supreme Lama

“I am grateful that I exist in this world” – US-born Kalmyk Supreme Lama.

It is important not to give up hope, the sun is always going to shine tomorrow and there is always a brighter future, teaches Supreme Lama of Kalmykia Telo Tulku Rinpoche, born in America and preaching in Kalmykia. Read the rest of this entry »

“Buddhism in Russia” exhibition has opened in Bhutan

“Buddhism in Russia” exhibition in Bhutan. A “Buddhism in Russia” exhibition has opened in Bhutan.

This is the first time such an exhibition has been organized in the Himalayan kingdom. Read the rest of this entry »

Buddhist Revival in Kalmykia

Kalmykia By Anna Nemtsova, Special to RussiaNow. November 8, 2011

One third of the population of Kalmykia was deported during Stalin’s terror. As the region struggles, it returns to its roots for answers.

The first Ceremony of Light offering to Buddha was held last month in Elista, the capital of Kalmykia.
“Let all our wishes come true! Let all living creatures be free of suffering, of danger, of diseases and sadness! Let peace and happiness govern on Earth!” Read the rest of this entry »

Blessing of the Green Tara

August 21, 2011 at 12:00 in Elista, the Buddhist temple “Samye Thinley Kunkyab Palborling” ritual will be held Dolchok (blessing of Green Tara – Nogan Dyark).

Green Tara Goddess was venerated as the mother of all living beings, and represents the feminine essence, and therefore, like any woman, always ready to protect their loved ones. It is believed that it protects the family from all evil, brings success in business, removes all obstacles. If you regularly repeat the mantra of Green Tara, any wish will come true and you can find extraordinary luck. Read the rest of this entry »

Second Dalai Lama’s visit in the Elista, Kalmykia

Dalai Lama During his second visit to Kalmykia (Elista) in September 1992 His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama said, “The aim of my visit is to establish harmony: harmony with the environment, harmony among religions, harmony in the society and family and, – in the end, harmony of a man with his own self. I am stressing a great importance of this because everything depends on harmony in the world”.

All traditional beliefs co-exist organically in the Kalmyk society. Reviving national culture Read the rest of this entry »

About Dalai Lama XIV in Kalmykia

Dalai Lama Ten thousands of believers in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha came from all parts of Russia and Kalmykia to Elista in 1991 to receive the Teaching and Blessing of Dalai Lama XIV, the incarnation of bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.

Dalai Lama said “It is necessary to revive the traditional faith of the ancestors, to rebuild the temples, stupas of enlightenment and suburgans but above all it is important to build the temple in one’s soul”. Read the rest of this entry »