Posts Tagged ‘Djangar’
The epic performance “Song about Djangar and his heroes”!
Kalmyk National Theatre
The epic performance “Song about Djangar and his heroes”! Read the rest of this entry »
Performance “A Song about Djangar and its warriors …”
Great Oirat-Kalmyk epic! [ Ru ]
New performances about defenders in Elista. On March 4, 23 and 30 in Elista will be held a performance “A Song about Djangar and its warriors …”
Based on the Great Oirat-Kalmyk epic Read the rest of this entry »
Celebration of 575th Anniversary of the Kalmyk Folk Epic Dzhangar in North America
Celebration of 575th Anniversary of the Kalmyk Folk Epic Dzhangar in North America!
Dear friends!
You are cordially invited to the celebration of 575th Anniversary of the Kalmyk Folk Epic Dzhangar in North America! Read the rest of this entry »
Come support our two soccer teams “Djangar” and “Lotus”
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
May 23-25.
Come support our two soccer teams “Djangar” and “Lotus” in the brisk fresh spring air.
The All Mongolian Championships is highly competitive so you will see some very physical action and high-powered shooting.
Invite your families, your friends, your neighbors, anyone who enjoys a good soccer games to attend this tournament! Read the rest of this entry »
Kalmyk ensemble will going on a concert tour to Spain
[ Es ] Kalmyk ensemble will going on a concert tour to Spain. July 10, 2013 on a concert tour to Spain leaves the ensemble “Jangar.
With them goes djangarche Mandzhiev Baatr Karuevich, nominee of the title “Soul of Russia”, beggar took in the film by French director Alan Simon “Oh, Genghis,” which announced this news today. Read the rest of this entry »
Professor from St. Petersburg about Buddhism, kalmyk art, ritual dances and temples
Professor from St. Petersburg Svetlana Makhlina about Buddhism, kalmyk culture, ritual dances and temples
Buddhism – historically the first world religion. And yet, as Borges said, is “the most widespread religion in the world”. In Russia, the earliest penetration of Buddhism was characteristic of the Kalmyk people, who took more than 400 years ago.
Kalmyk culture germinated on the unique cultural soil elyutov who lived in a colorful country where the vast steppes “stretched white, happiness, koshmovye tent noble Noyon and zaisangs, but black as a bitter fate, tents commoners – albatu, ketchinerov and shabinerov”. Read the rest of this entry »
How married hero Ulan Khongr Scarlet Lion
Song 2.
How married hero Ulan Khongr Scarlet Lion
Noisy hordes of strongmen,
Six thousand twelve knights,
Seven held in the palace circles.
In addition, the gray-haired old men
There was, they say, a circle.
And the red-faced old women important
There was, they say, a circle. Read the rest of this entry »
All Union Conference on the Conservation of Kalmyk national epos Djangar
All Union Conference on the Conservation of Kalmyk national epos Djangar (Jangar) took place in Elista, the capital of Kalmykia. Read the rest of this entry »