Posts Tagged ‘Gedden Sheddup Choikorling’
Geshe Lhakdor will hold buddhist seminars in Elista
Buddhist seminars! [ De | Ru | Es | It | Fr ]
Dear pilgrims and residents of Kalmykia!
On Saturday, August 24 at 10:00 am, all are invited to a Buddhist monastery ‘Geden Sheddup Choi Korling‘, where Geshe Lhakdor hold a seminar ‘The practice of confession to the 35 Buddhas repentance’ and the practice of Vajrasattva, reported by the Head of the Department of Religion and rituals of the Development Fund tourism Kalmykia. Read the rest of this entry »
Practical seminar “Basics of Meditation”
Practical seminar “Basics of Meditation” [ De | Ru ]
Elista. A two-day practical seminar on spiritual meditations is to be held on the 8-9 of September at 17 p.m. in a Buddhist temple Gedden Sheddub Choy Korling by buddhist teacher Barry Kerzin, KalmykiaNews reports.
Everybody is invited to the two-day seminar to study basics of meditation. Read the rest of this entry »
The visit of the Kundeling Rinpoche to Kalmykia
The visit of the Kundeling Rinpoche to Kalmykia. The program shows the date, time, event and venue.
2012 August 23 Thursday
15:00 Arrival in Elista. Exit to the press. Airport of the Elista city.
2012 August 24 Friday
9:15 – 10:15 Visit to buddhist monastery “Geden Sheddup Choi Korling” (Arshansky khurul) Tour in the monastery.
10:30 – 12:00 Arrive at Central buddhist temple of Kalmykia “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”. Tour in the central temple.
13:00 – 16:00 Tour of the Elista-city. Visit to City Chess, the National Museum to them. Palmov, the monument “Exodus and Return”. Elista.
18:00 Kalmyk concert. Government group “KalmConcert” Elista. Read the rest of this entry »
Buddhist temple Syakyusn Syume
Buddhist temple “Gedden Sheddup Choikorling” [ Ru | Es | Fr ]
Holy Abode of theory and practice Gelug School. Kalmyk: “Syakyusn Syume”.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited the main Buddhist temple
President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited the main Buddhist temple
[ Russian version ]
President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited the main Buddhist temple complex of the Republic of Kalmykia – ‘Geden Sheddub Choi Korling’. Its name translates Read the rest of this entry »
The opening ceremony of the temple “Geden Sheddup Choikorling”
On the 5-th of October in 1996 the opening ceremony of the Central temple (khurul) took place. His Holiness Dalai-Lama named the temple “Geden Sheddup Choikorling” (A Holy Abode for Theory and Practice of the School Gelugpa). Read the rest of this entry »