Posts Tagged ‘kalmyk tea’
The rites near the Sacred Lone Tree
In the Republic of Kalmykia, 28 of May from 12.00 to 13.00, near Sacred Lonely tree that is located near the settlement of Khar-Buluk district of Virgin, the monks of the central Buddhist temple “Golden Abode of Buddha” to hold worship the ground – “Gazr Tyaklgn” reports KalmykiaNews.
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“Dzhomba: Kalmyk Tea” with author Nikolai Burlakoff
“Dzhomba: Kalmyk Tea” with author Nikolai Burlakoff
Talk about Kalmyk tea at Howell Public Library next Thursday at 7PM. Kalmyk tea will be served. Copies of “Dzhomba: Kalmyk Tea” signed by the author will be available. Read the rest of this entry »
Holiday of the Kalmyk Tea
Holiday of the Kalmyk Tea [ Ru ]
Dzhomba holiday – Holiday of the Kalmyk Tea usually celebrate in 3rd Saturday of May.
Dzhomba — milk tea with salt (the so called Kalmyk tea served and drank in a certain ceremony).
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Kalmyk drinks in Elista
Traditional Kalmyk drinks bear some similarity to those found in Mongolia, but are unique to the region. Try:
Dzhomba — milk tea with salt (the so called Kalmyk tea served and drank in a certain ceremony).
Kumys — a sour horse milk Read the rest of this entry »
Kalmykia is a pearl of steppe
Topic of my discussion is about me, because I have unusual life story.
My name is Olga. My family is good and successful; my parents brought me up as a kind, helpful and clever girl. At school I always studied hard and my mother took me to different societies: to art school, to the center for talented children for learning English and computer classes, bell dances. To tell the truth, I felt myself as a “blue stocking”, I had no private life and friends, but after finishing school my life abruptly changed. Read the rest of this entry »
A Festival of Kalmykian Tea Dzhomba
A Festival of Kalmykian Tea Dzhomba
On the 19th of May a Kalmykian ceremony takes place in the “Uralan” stadium. Night clubs, concert halls, singing and dancing performances.

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Restaurant “Faraon”
Restaurant Faraon [ Ru ]
Restaurant “Faraon” (from Egypt) in Elista, capital of Kalmykia.
Kalmyk kitchen (byoriki, kalmyk tea and others)
European kitchen Read the rest of this entry »
Story of a tourist from Germany
Stephan Werner. Story of a tourist from Germany
2012-05-03 > 142km. 412hm / sunny 27°C – 32°C / Ø18km/h / pedaling time 8:00hrs / elevation 133m, today passed 1000km mark since Simferopol (day 9) For some unknown reason, this morning I received a lot of gifts, whenever I stopped to ask for directions or just looking at things, mostly women gave me apples or sweets and wished me a safe trip. Russians are truly very friendly people.
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Kalmyk New Year – Celebration Zul holiday program
Kalmykian New Year – Zul. Celebration period: 1-15 of December.
Kalmykian New Year celebrates as one the most important events in the Buddhist history – achieving Parinirvana by the founder of the Gelug school Lama Zonkava. Kalmyks treat this person in a special way.
Supreme Lamas often say, that Kalmyks have a strong inseparable connection with Lama Zonkava, which lasts from the beginning of time. Lama Zonkava is Read the rest of this entry »
In the capital of Kalmykia, and in the country are celebrating the birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
By tradition, the celebration of the birth of the leader of Buddhists the world, a mentor and teacher of the Kalmyk people of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the country are preparing in advance. Birthday of His Holiness has long been to Kalmyk event, which they considered to be one of the most important holidays. It has become well-established tradition widely celebrate the birth of his spiritual mentor, Master of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
On this day, early in the morning in the courtyard of the central buddhist temple “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni,” the monks held a ceremony of “Sangso.” In this ritual was attended by the laity, the vows, which they keep clean, consolidated, and those who have been violated by the rite “Sangso” restored. Completed the rite ritual offerings to deities. Read the rest of this entry »
Steven Seagal has visited Kalmykia attractions
Steven Seagal has visited Kalmykia attractions [ De | Ru | Es | Fr ]
Professional movie fighter, star of Hollywood – Steven Seagal arrived in Kalmykia, reported KalmykiaNews. One Read the rest of this entry »