Posts Tagged ‘Moscow’

Ochir Manzhikov about new search platform from Yandex ‘Islands’

Ochir Manzhikov about new search platform from Yandex ‘Islands’: – Nothing terrible has happened.

The essence of innovations is that it will issue results in the form of interactive responses. In a blog of ‘Yandex’ Read the rest of this entry »

Alexandra Vankaeva

Kalmyk corpus created by Alexandra Vankaeva Alexandra Vankaeva – the author of the project “Kalmyk corpus”.
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Beauty contest ‘The treasure of Kalmykia’ in Elista

The treasure of Kalmykia Beauty contest “The treasure of Kalmykia” will be held on May, 5 in Elista [ Ru ]

Directors of competition Delgir Tserenova and Angelina Erdnieva said that participants have to prove yourself in five rounds.

The winner will present the Republic of Kalmykia on the All-Russian competition of beauty and talent “Teegin Odn”, which will take place on May 18 in Moscow, capital of Russia. Read the rest of this entry »

Sultanna Frantsuzova

Sultanna Frantsuzova Most democratic designer Sultanna Frantsuzova (russian: Султанна Французова) from Elista. Read the rest of this entry »

The exotic Republic

Exotic vacation The exotic Republic [ De | Ru | Fr | Es | It ]

Historical and cultural heritage of the Kalmyk people, the ancient national traditions, crafts, large areas of protected areas contribute to the development of different tourism destinations.

Tourism can be a major source of income of the republican budget. Religious tourism could become a promising direction in economy of republic.

You can move from one city to another in central Russia and not notice much difference. But if you go from Moscow to Elista – the difference is striking. Read the rest of this entry »

Kalmyk girl Irina Tumanova represents the Republic of Kalmykia at the competition ‘Miss Russia’

Irina Tumanova Kalmyk girl Irina Tumanova represents the Republic of Kalmykia at the Russian national competition ‘Miss Russia 2013’, reports KalmykiaNews online agency. [ Fr | Ru | De ]

Participants can be found on the website since February 12, when the voting starts. From that moment, each of you will be able to support Irina and our Republic by voting for it on the site!

Beginning on February 6, follow the life Read the rest of this entry »

In the international chess festival is attended kalmyk chess players led by ex-champion of the Republic Kalmykia Ernesto Inarkiev and Sanan Syugirov

Chess Festival Today, February 11, in Moscow, in the exhibition hall “InfoSpace” opening ceremony of XII International Chess Festival “Aeroflot Open – 2013”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Russia’s leading airline, reports special writer from KalmykiaNews agency.

In the international chess festival is attended kalmyk chess players led by ex-champion Read the rest of this entry »

Bus to Kalmykia

Bus to Kalmykia Bus to Kalmykia

Bus from Moscow to Elista (everyday): 24 EUR

Trans Tour (Moscow – Elista)
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Tourist Kasper Boye told about Kalmykia

Hidden republic Photo exhibition

Photo exhibition “The hidden Republic – Pictures from Kalmykia” was opened in Denmark. Kasper Boye told about Kalmykia.

Kalmykia is Europe’s only Buddhist nation. It is located on the North Caucasus – with almost equidistant to the Black Sea in the west, the Caspian Sea in the east, Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) in the north and the conflict-ravaged Chechnya in the south.

Kalmykia is a republic in the Russian Federation. They have their own parliament, but the political leader appointed from Moscow. Read the rest of this entry »

Batu Khasikov defeated Gago Drago

November, 3. Kalmykian fighter Batu Khasikov defeated Gago Drago at “Fight Nights 8” in Moscow (Russia).

The visit of the Kundeling Rinpoche to Kalmykia

Kalmykia The visit of the Kundeling Rinpoche to Kalmykia. The program shows the date, time, event and venue.

2012 August 23 Thursday
15:00 Arrival in Elista. Exit to the press. Airport of the Elista city.

2012 August 24 Friday
9:15 – 10:15 Visit to buddhist monastery “Geden Sheddup Choi Korling” (Arshansky khurul) Tour in the monastery.

10:30 – 12:00 Arrive at Central buddhist temple of Kalmykia “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”. Tour in the central temple.
13:00 – 16:00 Tour of the Elista-city. Visit to City Chess, the National Museum to them. Palmov, the monument “Exodus and Return”. Elista.
18:00 Kalmyk concert. Government group “KalmConcert” Elista. Read the rest of this entry »

Rally “Silk road” arrived in buddhist Kalmykia

Silk Road rally News from rally “Silk Road”. Participants in the rally “Silk Road 2012” arrived one of the most improbable places on Earth, the little-known Republic of Kalmykia (Elista and Yashkul), reported KalmykiaNews.

This exciting race cars and trucks began a ceremony July 7 at the Red Square of Moscow (Russia). Read the rest of this entry »

Foreign tourists have come to Elista driving BMW motorcycles

BMW Foreign tourists have come to Elista driving BMW motorcycles. On 9 of June the city of Elista (Kalmykia) has been visited by the foreign tourists with BMW motorcycles Hannes Grundner and Karola Kien both coming from Vienna (Austria), says the Kalmyk information and tourist centre “Kalmykia.EU”.

In the blessed Elista, he Austrian tourists Hannes Grundner and Karola Kien had been met by the official Kalmyk representatives from the companies KalmykiaTour and KalmykiaNews.

The mototourists Read the rest of this entry »

The Chessman Cometh

The Chessman Cometh [ En | Ru ]

An interview with globe-trotting chess promoter, former president, and freelance diplomat Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.


Kirsan Ilyumzhinov garners an awful lot of press for the president of the World Chess Federation. But he’s not exactly your average chess buff. From 1993 to 2010, he was president of the Russian republic of Kalmykia and became known for his efforts to transform the remote Buddhist region into an international chess mecca as well as for his frank comments about an encounter with aliens he claims to have had in 1997. (He was also widely criticized for his autocratic rule over the impoverished republic.) Read the rest of this entry »

The head of the Republic of Kalmykia Aleksey Orlov took part in the events dedicated the “Day of the Republic of Kalmykia”

Today, April 6, 2012, the head of the Republic of Kalmykia Aleksey Orlov took part in the events dedicated the “Day of the Republic of Kalmykia” in Moscow, capital of Russia.