Posts Tagged ‘road’
Mercedes-Benz and Volvo made an accident in Kalmykia
Police report: Mercedes-Benz and Volvo made an accident in Kalmykia
On January 15, at 9:30 am, on the 134th kilometer of the R-22 Kaspiy federal highway, a 36-year-old resident of the Stavropol Territory, driving a Mercedes-Benz truck, collided with a Volvo truck Read the rest of this entry »
In gymnasium of Elista has passed the action of “United Russia”
[ Ru ] Elista. Project “Safe Roads”
In gymnasium of Elista has passed the action of “United Russia”. During the event the retroreflective elements were given to schoolchildren.
The action Read the rest of this entry »
Parliament of Republic of Kalmykia has approved the nation’s budget
Republic of Kalmykia: Budget [ Ru ]
Parliament of Republic of Kalmykia has approved the nation’s budget for 2016
December, 23.
Elista. People’s Hural (Parliament) of the Republic of Kalmykia Read the rest of this entry »
Story of a tourist from Germany
Stephan Werner. Story of a tourist from Germany
2012-05-03 > 142km. 412hm / sunny 27°C – 32°C / Ø18km/h / pedaling time 8:00hrs / elevation 133m, today passed 1000km mark since Simferopol (day 9) For some unknown reason, this morning I received a lot of gifts, whenever I stopped to ask for directions or just looking at things, mostly women gave me apples or sweets and wished me a safe trip. Russians are truly very friendly people.
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International Finance Corporation will repair the road and Children’s Hospital of Kalmykia
Today met Prime Minister of the Republic of Kalmykia Lyudmila Ivanova with the International Finance Corporation (World Bank).
During the meeting issues of cooperation between the Republic of Kalmykia and the International Finance Corporation, namely the maintenance of paved roads in the Republic of Kalmykia, and possible funding for repairs Children Republican Hospital of Kalmykia. Read the rest of this entry »
The head of the Republic of Kalmykia Aleksey Orlov took part in the opening of the road
Today, December 7, 2010, the head of the Republic of Kalmykia Aleksey Orlov took part in the opening of the road along the street Arshanskaya in Elista.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Elista Vyacheslav Namruev, head Elista Mayor Nikolai Andreyev, the residents of the city of Elista, representatives of public organizations.
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Great Kalmykia Rally
IV stage of Great Kalmykia Rally was finished [ Ru | Fr ]
Photos from Great Kalmykia Rally.

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First steps from socialism to capitalism
First steps from socialism to capitalism
We were on the threshold of major fundamental change. The republic was precipitously turning towards the market. I was doing my utmost to employ, and modify, every policy that could be of use to Kalmykia. I wanted people to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as it were, and to feel some relief at last. These steps took a lot of painstaking effort. Every problem led to another one. A whole knot of contradictions! I had to single out the priorities. A severe centralization of power was needed.
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