Posts Tagged ‘trip to Kalmykia’

Beautiful Russian girls and guys in Kalmykia: Unforgettable journey

Beautiful Russian girls and guys in Kalmykia: Unforgettable journey

Elista video.

Ecological expedition to Kalmykia

Dalmatian Pelican Russian ornithologists organized in May 2013 ecological expedition to Kalmykia for birdwatchers and tulip lovers, said General Director of ANO “Fotoekspeditsiya” Dmitry Moseykin, reports Kalmyk Touristic Center.

General Director of ANO “Fotoekspeditsiya” Dmitry Moseykin made the presentation on the Day of the Russian Society of preservation and study of birds (ROSIP) at an exhibition of wildlife “Golden Turtle”.

Ecologists from Read the rest of this entry »

Mystical creatures and bone of virgin

Mystical creatures and bone of virgin waiting for You!
[ De | Ru | Fr | Es | It ]

Welcome to kalmyk museum!

It is safe with us!

Mystical creatures

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Recommended movies

Little Buddha Recommended movies [ En | Ru ]

Films that is desirable to look before travel to the blessed Kalmykia.

Little Buddha (Bernardo Bertolucci film. Starring Keanu Reeves, Chris Isaak, Bridget Fonda, Sogyal rinpoche)

Buddha life (BBC) Read the rest of this entry »

The trip to Kalmykia was very exciting and interesting

Kalmykia The trip was very exciting and interesting. I never thought that such an unusual city as Elista is so close to Volgograd. Elista is different from all the cities in the country by its eastern atmosphere. As if you find yourself in the eastern dragon tale with pagodas …

In general, Kalmykia, I think, a real paradise for tourists. There are many opportunities for almost any type of vacation.

We were particularly impressed by their originality capital of Kalmykia – Elista. Unlike the cities of Central Russia, Elista is fully saturated with religious culture. Wherever I look – everywhere there are elements of Buddhism. Read the rest of this entry »

Story of a tourist from Germany

Bicycle trip Stephan Werner. Story of a tourist from Germany

2012-05-03 > 142km. 412hm / sunny 27°C – 32°C / Ø18km/h / pedaling time 8:00hrs / elevation 133m, today passed 1000km mark since Simferopol (day 9) For some unknown reason, this morning I received a lot of gifts, whenever I stopped to ask for directions or just looking at things, mostly women gave me apples or sweets and wished me a safe trip. Russians are truly very friendly people.
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Letter from a girl who made a trip to Elista

Central temple Letter from a girl who made ​​a trip to Elista. Development Fund for Tourism of the Republic of Kalmykia has received a letter from a girl who made ​​a trip to Elista. [ De | Fr | Es | Ru ]

Arriving in Elista, leaving their belongings in the hotel and went to see khurul (temple). Upon entering the courtyard my breath, the dream has come true, I’m on the verge of khurul! The building is magnificent and very beautiful.

Khurul (temple) walked around, turning the drums and looking around the yard. The soul rejoices! After visiting the monastery, there was a feeling that all the dear, kind of like back home. Sitting at prayer service, Read the rest of this entry »

Famous russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov will travel along the Silk Road by camel

Fedor Konyukhov Famous russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov will travel along the Silk Road by camel.

Fyodor Konyukhov collected in 2009, an expedition by camel along the Silk Road, reports KalmykiaNews.

The journey will be timed the 400th anniversary of the entry of Kalmykia in Russia.

Journey begins in Kalmykia, his route will pass Read the rest of this entry »

Steven Seagal has visited Kalmykia attractions

Steven Seagal Steven Seagal has visited Kalmykia attractions [ De | Ru | Es | Fr ]

Professional movie fighter, star of Hollywood – Steven Seagal arrived in Kalmykia, reported KalmykiaNews. One Read the rest of this entry »