Posts Tagged ‘weather’
Emergency situation due to drought
Summer. Emergency situation in Kalmykia due to drought.
The emergency mode was introduced on the territory of Lagansky, Chernozemelsky, Yustinsky, Yashkulsky, Iki-Burulsky, Tselinny and Priyutnensky districts. Read the rest of this entry »
Abnormal heat is predicted from Tuesday in the European part of Russia
Hydrometeorological Center of Russia
Abnormal heat is predicted from Tuesday in the European part of Russia
Air temperature Read the rest of this entry »
Dust storm and heavy rain
Changing of the climate?
August, 23
Today, a big dust storm began in Elista, capital of Republic of Kalmykia.
After 2 hours, heavy rain began, Read the rest of this entry »
Unusual natural phenomenon: thunder, rain and lightning
Strong thunder, rain and lightning in Elista now. Incredibly!
This is unusual natural event Read the rest of this entry »
Rain in Kalmykia is unusual natural phenomenon
[ De | Es | It | Fr ] Today, the city of Elista, the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia, took an unusual natural phenomenon.
In Elista was the rain, which was accompanied by thunder. Rains in Kalmykia are very rare. Read the rest of this entry »
Weather in Elista
Weather in Elista, capital of Kalmykia [ Ru ]
Story of a tourist from Germany
Stephan Werner. Story of a tourist from Germany
2012-05-03 > 142km. 412hm / sunny 27°C – 32°C / Ø18km/h / pedaling time 8:00hrs / elevation 133m, today passed 1000km mark since Simferopol (day 9) For some unknown reason, this morning I received a lot of gifts, whenever I stopped to ask for directions or just looking at things, mostly women gave me apples or sweets and wished me a safe trip. Russians are truly very friendly people.
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